Claudine Chamberlin

Claudine 2 Claudine 1Claudine Chamberlin was born on January 31, 1928 ans was the oldest of GT and Lura’s children.

She moved to the Bahamas when she was 13 years old.  Her travels continued when at 17 years old she moved to Haiti.

In 1950 Claudine married Victor Chamberlin.  Together they had three children and six grandchildren, plus hundreds more scattered around the world.

Claudine and Victor ChanmberlinAfter serving God in Haiti, New Guinea, and  The Gambia they have spent the last 20 years reaching children in Cameroon, West Africa.

Chamberlins in Cameroon Together these two Senior Saints (86 and 84) have given more than 126 years of missionary service.

Claudine has written several books that are available now.  To order her books call 352-245-2560 or contact her on Facebook – Click Here.



Mambo Gerald & Sister Claudine Victor and Claudine Chamberlin